Case Update
The plaintiff Carbone's application for amendments to add important allegations to her case against the defendant lawyers McMahon and Burnett, and the lawyers' application for striking, are scheduled to be heard (re-argued) on June 28, 2018 at 10:00am.
As reported throughout this blog, this case is about the rogue lawyers' extreme abuse of process, acting in bad faith, fraud upon the court, and malice inflicted upon the self-represented plaintiff, among other serious litigation misconduct by the lawyers when they were defence counsel in the underlying medical malpractice case.
The plaintiff brought the underlying medical malpractice case to seek justice after she suffered bodily injury by Dr. Peter Whidden as the evidence shows, including evidence the plaintiff submitted for the summary judgment application the plaintiff was successful in defeating. The plaintiff did not expect the opposing lawyers McMahon and Burnett to engage in bloodsport outside the normal adversarial civil litigation process, which was essentially what they did. No self-represented plaintiff, or any litigant, should have to endure such malicious and underhanded conduct by opposing counsel.
This case against lawyers McMahon and Burnett is not about opposing lawyers' duty of care to the other side; it is about acts of serious wrongdoing that are well settled in jurisprudence as rightful causes of action against opposing lawyers when warranted. This case is also about one of the most extreme cases of lawyer abuse inflicted upon a self-represented person.
New Series
Leading up to the June 28, 2018 hearing, look for a series of posts on this blog, each focusing on a category of litigation misconduct by the defendant lawyers. Given the extensive allegations and causes of action in this case, this series will not attempt to detail all of them but will highlight some of the most serious issues, being mindful that some things are reserved for trial.